Signs a Sore Throat Is Something More

There are few things as unpleasant as waking up to a sore throat. If you have been struggling with this common symptom for a while, you may be wondering exactly what’s causing it and why it won’t clear up on its own. 

Usually, sore throats caused by colds and allergies will resolve on their own, but sometimes, a sore throat persists. In this case, your sore throat could be a sign of a health condition that needs to be diagnosed by a professional. 

Our team of doctors are always here to help you with your throat symptoms. Before you book an appointment, read on to learn more about what may cause your sore throat, as well as some home remedies that might bring you some relief until you can see a physician.

Causes of Sore Throat

A sore throat (pharyngitis) can be brought on by a variety of triggers, such as allergies, sickness, an infection, or even injury. There are also some health conditions that can cause sore throat, like acid reflux, a sinus infection, tonsillitis, and post-nasal drip. 

Some types of neck tumors can also cause a sore throat, though these are definitely not the most common cause, and you should never jump to extreme conclusions. Instead, reach out to a throat and voice doctor who can make a proper diagnosis.

More often than not, a sore throat comes from seasonal allergies, a cold, or flu. The most common cause of a sore throat is an infection. When viral particles get into your throat, they can irritate the tissue inside of it. This irritation can lead to swelling (inflammation) that also causes sensitivity and pain, especially when swallowing. 

Sore throats can feel dull and achy or cause scorching pain. It’s important to find out exactly what’s causing your sore throat so you can receive the proper treatment.

Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to people who exhibit illness, but these medications cannot treat a sore throat caused by a viral infection. Instead, you would need to rely on some over-the-counter throat medicine and some home remedies to help soothe your sore throat until your body fights off the infection.

However, if you have strep throat (streptococcal infection), then you can benefit from taking antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria causing your pain.

Symptoms of Sore Throat

You definitely don’t need someone to tell you that you have a sore throat. But you may be surprised at how the symptoms of a sore throat can vary. Here is a list of the most common ones to watch out for:

  • Pain. You may experience aching, throbbing, searing, or burning pain in your throat that gets worse whenever you swallow. 

  • Tenderness around your neck. Small, special structures called lymph nodes that help your body fight off infection may become swollen and cause sensitivity and tenderness around your sore throat.

  • A hoarse or scratchy voice. Some throat conditions can also affect your vocal chords, which make your voice sound scratchy or weak when you speak. In some cases, you may lose your voice and be unable to speak above a whisper. 

  • Swollen tonsils. You might notice that your tonsils appear red and irritated. These are actually special lymph nodes in the back of your mouth and top of your throat.

Sore throats caused by flus and colds usually last for around one week. They will gradually improve on their own; or you may wake up and find that your sore throat is suddenly gone, and the rest of your body feels better, too.

If your symptoms do not go away, or if you show signs of tonsillitis, book an appointment with a doctor. 

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Thankfully, there are many home remedies you can try to make a sore throat hurt less. Here are some of the best ones:

  • Drink a cup of warm tea with 1 tablespoon of honey in the cup. This can help coat the throat and ease some discomfort. 

  • Suck on a cough drop or lozenge, which can help keep your throat wet and reduce irritation.

  • Suck on a popsicle and let the cool ice provide some relief to a burning throat. 

  • Stick to a bland diet of soft foods, like oatmeal, Jell-O, eggs, and soup. Avoid foods that can worsen a sore throat, like spicy foods, acidic foods, and anything with a hard texture.

When to Seek Medical Evaluation

You should contact a throat doctor if your sore throat feels unbearable at any time. If your symptoms worsen at any point, or you have difficulty swallowing, then you should contact a doctor immediately. 

If you would like to see a doctor for your sore throat, please book an appointment at our Nashville ENT and Allergy Clinic. You can also click here to view the full contact details for each of our Tennessee practices.