In the time of coronavirus and COVID-19, all our routines have been disrupted. That is no different at OAT. Safety remains our top priority. Here is some information that we hope helps you in these challenging times:

What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

  • Coronavirus is an easily transmissible respiratory virus

  • It is spread through respiratory droplets (cough/sneeze

  • Typical symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath

  • Symptoms usually begin 2-14 days following exposure

  • In most cases, the illness is mild

  • In a small subset of patients, the illness can become life-threatening pneumonia

What you can do?

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content

  • In general, try to stay home

  • When you need to go out in public, wear a mask of any type

What OAT has done?

  • Enhanced surface cleaning with full room wipe down after every patient, including door handles

  • Enhanced hand washing routines in all parts of the practice

  • Initiated telemedicine for visits that can be accomplished over video chat

  • Screening patients upon entering the office

  • Adjusted office schedules to reduce patient volume in the waiting room

  • Encouraged social distancing in the waiting room

  • Notifying high risk patients prior to their visit

  • Increased mask and glove wearing throughout the practice

  • Checking daily reports from local and national sources regarding status and guidance related to COVID-19

  • Shifted personnel, when possible, to a remote work situation from their home