OAT’s Physicians Hearing Aid Center
Staying Connected to the Life You Love is Priceless
Experiencing difficulties with your hearing can lead to a feeling of disconnection and isolation. It's tough when social gatherings that once brought joy now bring apprehension and fatigue. Fortunately, in Nashville, there's a place where most hearing health issues, including tinnitus, can be addressed effectively.
At our hearing center in Nashville, we are devoted to supporting all your auditory needs, whether it's protection, prevention, or enhancement, no matter the stage in your life. Our graduate-level, licensed Audiologists collaborate seamlessly with a skilled team of physicians and nurse practitioners. This ensures that every individual receives personalized, comprehensive care.
Ready to take the first step towards improved hearing health? Reach out to us, and let's begin your journey together.
“I can honestly say that OAT has saved my life. The doctors and the staff have been great to me, and I highly recommend them.”
Hearing loss is normal for my age, right? You are not alone – it’s okay to get help
Most people with hearing loss are under the age of 65. For some, those changes start as early as adolescence. Years of listening to loud music or operating noisy equipment without protection, common health conditions (high blood pressure, diabetes) and genetics can all impact the ability to hear.
We believe hearing should be monitored throughout the lifespan. Once a hearing baseline is determined, hearing can be effectively monitored, preventive measures can be implemented, and treatment can be prescribed sooner than later to improve outcomes. Early detection and treatment of hearing loss helps you maintain the hearing that you have left and your active lifestyle. That is why we are committed to education and celebration no matter where you are on your hearing journey because we all start somewhere.
Have you ever wondered why hearing aids cost so much?
Because hearing affects everything between your ears, we want you to maintain your connections while also maintaining a healthy brain. As hearing aids get smarter, the technology continues to evolve to mimic the natural hearing pathway and stimulate those connections from your ears to your brain. Pricing varies depending upon circuit technology (i.e., how smart your hearing aids are) and battery type as well as the training of your healthcare provider, communication assessment, fitting, orientation and counseling, training, aural rehabilitation and scheduled in-person, walk-in and/or telehealth follow-up care. Our patients continue to prefer a comprehensive approach to their hearing healthcare; and therefore, our office offers an affordable, bundled model to deliver hearing devices and audiological services to meet their everyday listening needs.
Our current prices range from $1500-$3300 which includes a bundled service plan because learning to hear better is a team effort so of course our Audiologists are with you every step of the way offering the support needed on your journey.
Our Hearing Services and Solutions in Nashville
We offer solutions that enhance your ability to engage in life again, on your terms.
Real Ear Measurements
Finding success with your new hearing aids is dependent on if you have the right technology, programmed precisely to your hearing loss prescription. Real ear measurements allow us to ensure that your listening needs are met compared to the functionality of your devices.
Beyond Hearing Aids
Even though you have hearing aids, you might find that in some situations you need more assistance. We offer a wide range of assistive listening technology to give you the best hearing experience including, amplified telephones, partner microphones, television enhancement devices, caption telephones, alerting devices and personal amplification systems. Talk to your audiologist today.
Hearing Aid Repairs
If at any point you think there might be something wrong with your hearing aids, contact our office right away. We want to make sure you’re always hearing the best you can, so the sooner you act, the sooner we can get you hearing the way you should. Most repairs can be done in office, but if necessary, we will send your devices to the manufacturer to fix what is needed. While your devices are being fixed, you are welcome to utilize a set of hearing aids from our stock of devices available for loan.
Hearing Evaluation
Our team perform a variety of specialized test to uncover what is preventing you from hearing well or where you can clearly hear and what ranges of volumes or frequencies may present a challenge. We start by getting to know your lifestyle, health history and how that all relates to your hearing abilities. A complete physical examination of your ear allows us to see if your ear canal is clear and healthy or if there is an obstruction. Finally, a comprehensive exam determines at what volume and pitch you hear, at what volume you tolerate certain sounds and how well you understand spoken words in quiet or noise.
Hearing Aids
All the major hearing aid brands we carry offer personalized technology solutions to meet your lifestyle and help you stay young including, compact size, feedback cancellation, enhanced hearing in noise, tinnitus management, rechargeable hearing solutions and alternative, hands free streaming technology for music and phone calls including, Bluetooth, MFi (made for iPhone) and MFA (made for all phones).
Hearing Aid Batteries
If you ever need new batteries for your devices, you can always stop by our office. If you cannot make it to us, we can mail them to you. Contact our office at (615) 329-0591 to speak with your Audiologist. Routinely check your batteries to make sure there’s no dirt, debris or wax interfering with your devices’ performance.
Custom Earplugs, Hearing Protection, and In-Ear Monitors
Based in Nashville, we have the privilege of working with accomplished musicians and their devoted fans. We offer a variety of custom solutions to protect your ears and hearing while preserving the integrity of sound or audibility (when needed) during concerts, shooting, hunting, swimming, performing, or sleeping. A custom-made earpiece is based on the exact contour of your ears to ensure they fit just right for you.
Resources for Your Device Issues
We are so happy to be along on your journey toward better hearing. Now, that you made the leap back into the hearing world it is time to learn how to get the most out of your devices. By clicking on any image below, you will have access to a plethora of support resources to help you take care of and troubleshoot any issues you may have with your devices.
If issues persist, our team is ready to help you troubleshoot any issues you may have with your devices. Contact our office at (615) 329-0591 or visit one of Physicians Hearing Aid Center locations.