Which Type of Hearing Aid is Right for You?

Did you know that 48 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing loss? Hearing loss can present itself in four basic forms. While not all types of hearing loss can be fixed, some of that auditory loss is fixable with solutions such as hearing aids.

When a patient is experiencing permanent hearing loss, there aren't medications or surgeries to repair the damage. This is where hearing aids become the best option. Whether you’ll need a pre-made hearing aid, or a custom hearing aid, you’ll want to decide which solution is best for you.

Below we’ll cover some of the different types of hearing loss as well as some of the best solutions. Learn more about which type of hearing aid is right for you.

  1. Types of Hearing Loss

  2. Types of Hearing Aids

  3. Hearing Aid Technologies

  4. Hearing Aid Options in Nashville

Types of Hearing Loss

1. Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss deals with issues that are present in all three quadrants of the ear. This makes it quite difficult for someone to decipher sounds. The typical cause connects to a combination of issues relating to the inner, outer, and middle ear. Often, this type of hearing loss can be caused by consistent listening to loud noises, such as a musician. However, if you are experiencing hearing loss, a trip to a specialist and an auditory test can confirm the type you have.

2. Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss deals with the outer and middle ear. This means sound cannot travel from those regions inside the ear. Loud noises are often muffled, and soft sounds can become difficult to hear. While hearing aids could be an option for conductive hearing loss, many patients opt to take medication or undergo surgery to have it fixed— as this is an option for this type of hearing loss.

3. Auditory Neuropathy

The cochlea is a spiral cavity located inside the inner ear. When met with sound vibrations from outer stimuli, this part of the ear produces nerve pulses. Auditory neuropathy occurs when there is an issue within the nerves of the ear. While sound does enter the ear normally, the brain can't organize the information as sound.

This type of hearing loss can vary in severity. However, most who suffer from this have trouble understanding speech when there is background noise. Causes could include a neurological condition, jaundice, or lack of oxygen at birth. Hearing aids are definitely a top benefit to those with auditory neuropathy.

Schedule an appointment with our OAT Hearing Aid Center to determine the type of hearing loss you are experiencing.

4. Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The most common type of permanent hearing loss is Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Nerve damage to the pathways from your inner ear is probably the most prevalent reason for SNHL.

Medications and surgery cannot help or treat SNHL. However, hearing aids can make improvements and be a great option for you or a loved one. Those with this form of auditory loss find it difficult to hear soft noises, and loud sounds can be muffled.

Types of Hearing Aids

Patients with SNHL and mixed hearing loss can benefit from the use of hearing aids. While internal ear damage is irreversible, hearing aids can make great improvements.

Many products exist today to make it easier and more comfortable for the wearer. Sometimes so many choices make it harder to decide what you need and what you don't need. Scheduling an appointment with a professional hearing aid center can assist you in your decision making process, and ensure you find the right fit for your hearing loss.

1. Pre-made Hearing Aids

A pre-made hearing aid is a standard, manufactured device that comes in a particular size and shape. They are designed to help an individual who suffers from either hearing loss or tinnitus.

While these are the industry standard, nothing about these devices is conventional. You can find them in almost any shape such as in-ear, behind the ear, and amplifiers.

2. Custom Hearing Aids

Some individuals may find that they need a little more customization from their hearing aid. In instances such as these, custom made options are available for various types of hearing loss. With a personal mold taken of your ear to create the ultimate comfort, you can also have it constructed with materials suited to your needs. Going custom works best for those who have auditory issues and need to hear for their job.

Hearing Aid Technologies

When it comes to choosing your hearing aid solutions, you can get the most out of your experience by custom choosing different technologies for your device. Both pre-made and custom solutions offer various options to improve and work with your lifestyle. Depending on the brand you want, mix and match your technologies to suit your needs.

1. Better Stereo

The purpose of a hearing aid is to make it easier for the wearer to hear noises. All brands are doing their best to develop stereo to make the experience more natural for audio streaming.

2. Reduction In Background Noise

Original hearing aids worked wonders in helping individuals regain the ability to decipher sounds. However, they still suffered from a lot of background noises or lag. Modern hearing aid models have made improvements to cut back on these issues.

3. Binaural Processing

Binaural processing allows your hearing aid devices to communicate with each other. This becomes beneficial as you can spend less time adjusting your devices for better listening.

4. Wireless Connection

Did you know that your hearing aid can be connected wirelessly? Wireless connectivity will allow you to sync to your smart devices and TV. Many brands also have an app that allows you to make adjustments via your phone or tablet.

Hearing Aids Options in Nashville

There are a lot of things to consider when deciding which type of hearing aid will best suit your hearing loss needs. You'll need to determine what style, and technology you want. But, there's also pricing to consider and what brands offer reliable auditory streaming.

At OAT, we want you to get the most out of your hearing aid experience. So, we created a guide to help you find the right solutions. You can download our FREE ebook "Hearing Aids Options & Cost" for more information. In the meantime, schedule an appointment with our OAT Hearing Aid Center to receive high-quality hearing care.