Understanding Your Sinuses

Did you know that there are fourteen different types of noses? With that in mind, from your nose to the next, your sinuses may present different issues. While extreme cases of sinusitis should always warrant a visit to your local sinus specialist, there are also various other sinus related reasons to schedule an appointment with a sinus specialist.

When you visit a certified sinus specialist, you can ensure you get the right diagnosis and the right treatment solutions. With so many reasons to visit a sinus specialist, understanding the function of your sinuses can help you better understand your unique issues.

Here’s what you need to know about your sinuses:

  • Understanding Your Sinuses

  • Sinus Issues

  • Sinus & Nasal Surgery

  • Allergen Treatment

  • Visit OAT for Your Sinus Needs

Understanding Your Sinuses

Your sinuses are air-filled spaces between the bones in your head. Inside, they tend to have small openings that connect to the nasal cavity. In terms of functionality, your sinuses work to make mucus that drains into the nose. This process helps keep the nose moist and free of dust and germs.

Parts of the nasal cavity include:

  • The Septum: the wall of cartilage & bone in the center of the nasal cavity

  • The Middle Meatus: the intersection between the sinuses

  • Turbinates: ridges on the sides of the nasal cavity

  • Cilia: tiny, hairlike structures that line the sinuses

For sinuses to be considered healthy, air must be able to circulate freely throughout the system. As cilia are meant to move the thin, watery mucus through the sinuses and into the nose, proper drainage should occur in a healthy sinus system. It is possible for sinus drainage to become blocked if the sinus lining swells or if the mucus is too thick. Similarly, damaged cilia can also lead to problems with drainage.

Sinus Issues

Associated with your nasal passages, sinus issues can cause a plethora of other related issues and discomfort. Keep in mind that depending on your treatment solutions, sinuses can continue to be inflamed or swollen for at least twelve weeks after treatment. Chronic sinus issues can cause pain and discomfort for you or a loved one. A sinus specialist can recommend the best treatment option for you.

Here are some of the most common sinus issues:

  • Regular Cases of Tonsillitis

  • Continuous Sinusitis

  • Monthly Ear Infections

  • Returning Allergy Symptoms

  • Hearing Loss of Any Kind

  • Swollen Lymph Nodes

Contact Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee for your nasal and sinus issues.

Sinus & Nasal Surgery

For many patients, allergy treatment and antibiotics can control sinus problems. However, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary. We at OAT provide patients with a minimally-invasive, in-office sinus procedure called balloon sinuplasty, which can relieve them of painful sinus infections. Those with breathing problems caused by a crooked nose can also have their nose wall straightened by our doctors. From septoplasty procedures to a turbinate reduction or even a functional rhinoplasty, sinus and nasal surgery options can improve airflow, helping patients breathe more freely. Whatever your solution may be, the sinus specialists of OAT can help you reconnect to your breath.

Allergen Treatment

For those suffering from recurrent or intense food, seasonal or allergies, you might benefit from regular sinus treatments. Allergic reactions can occur anywhere in the body, such as the skin, the eyes, the stomach, the nose, the sinuses, the throat, and the lungs. It is important to understand that allergic reactions are often fatal and can completely upset your schedule and your body.

A sinus specialist can help you understand your allergies so that your body won't have to. Inhaling, swallowing, or coming into contact with allergen germs should not be a problem for your immune system. Living a more comfortable and safe life can be possible when you have the right allergy treatment options.

Visit OAT for Your Sinus Needs

Each procedure for ear, nose and throat issues typically come with minimal risk factors or long-term side-effects. But, depending on the solutions that are right for you, you will still want to be in the best hands. Working with Board Certified sinus specialists like OAT is one of the most effective ways of ensuring your procedure goes smoothly and achieves the best results.

OAT Sinus and Nasal: Conditions Treated and Services include the following:

  • Rhinitis

  • Sinusitis

  • Nasal obstruction

  • Balloon sinuplasty

  • Endoscopic sinus surgery

  • Postnasal drip

  • Deviated septum

  • Nasal polyps

  • Acute sinusitis

  • Chronic sinusitis

  • Frequent nosebleeds

  • Smell disorders

  • Septoplasty

  • Turbinate reduction

  • Functional rhinoplasty

If you suspect issues with your sinuses, contact OAT today to schedule an appointment.