Various Types of Sinus Issues

Did you know that asthma and allergies are the leading causes of chronic illness in Tennessee? While extreme cases of allergies and asthma should warrant a visit to your local sinus specialist, there are also various other sinus related reasons to schedule an ENT doctor’s appointment. 

When it comes to ear, nose, and throat problems, understanding where to turn can be difficult. You can be certain to get the best diagnosis and treatment when you see a certified sinus specialist. With so many reasons to visit a sinus specialist, it can be difficult for you to know what would actually warrant an appointment. That’s where OAT comes into play. 

Here are some of the various sinus issues that would warrant a sinus specialist visit:

  1. Tonsillitis

  2. Sinusitis

  3. Ear Infections

  4. Allergy Symptoms

  5. Hearing Loss

  6. Swollen Lymph Nodes


Tonsillitis can affect children and adults alike, however, if you suffer from sore throats or tonsillitis regularly, it may be time to see your local sinus specialist. Depending on your doctor, you may not have to remove your tonsils, but the process typically includes a short recovery period, during which you can enjoy lots of yummy ice cream and cold treats. 

Tonsillitis Infection Symptoms Include:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Excessive salivating

  • Severe throat pain

  • Fever

Considering this, it would be wise to consult a sinus specialist for a diagnosis and to find out what your potential treatment options are.


Sinusitis is another common reason to visit a sinus specialist. Inflammation around nasal passages causes sinusitis. You may experience sinus inflammation and swelling for at least 12 weeks, regardless of treatment. Those suffering from chronic sinusitis should most likely consult their local sinus specialist to see if there are any treatment options they can recommend. Your local sinus specialist will be able to help determine the best long term plan for you.

Ear Infections

Recurring ear infections are among the most common pediatric sinus issues. Various ear infections can affect people of different ages, but continuous pain in the ears or ear infections in adults may be an indication that there is a tumor growing in the throat. 

If you are experiencing frequent ear infections or ear pain, then you should make an appointment with your local sinus specialist. You can manage your ear infection pain by seeing the right ear, nose and throat doctor. They will also make sure you don't have any sinus tumors growing, ensuring your long term health. 

Contact Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee for your nasal and sinus issues.

Allergy Symptoms

Getting regular treatment from a sinus specialist can help your entire lifestyle if you suffer from food, seasonal, or generic allergies. Any part of the body can experience an allergic reaction such as: 

  • Your skin

  • Your Eyes

  • The Lining of the stomach

  • Your Nose

  • Overall Sinuses

  • Your Throat

  • Your Lungs

Allergies can also completely disrupt your schedule, health, and sometimes even cause death. An allergy specialist can help ensure you stay on top of allergies so you and your body don't have to fight them. With the right allergy treatment options, you can begin to live a more easy, safe life. 

Hearing Loss 

In general, hearing loss is associated with aging. Nevertheless, hearing loss is another common reason to visit your local sinus specialist. Often, sudden hearing loss occurs as a result of a more serious illness. If you experience sudden hearing loss, the right doctor will help identify the cause and provide appropriate treatment. 

There are many causes of sudden hearing loss, including regular ear infections, circulatory inner ear problems, and other neurological problems. A sinus specialist can perform hearing tests to help find a cause and a solution.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

In some cases, as you age, you may begin to notice swelling in various lymph nodes. The majority of these will be benign, but if you experience one for more than two weeks, consult a sinus specialist. There are different types of cancer that can sometimes cause persistently swollen lymph nodes in the neck. 

Any head or neck issues should be addressed by an ENT or sinus specialist to avoid spreading. The majority of procedures for ear, nose, and throat issues come with minimal risks or long-term side effects. It's still important to be in the best hands, however, regardless of what solution is best for you. 

Working with Board Certified sinus specialists like OAT is one of the most effective ways of ensuring your procedure goes smoothly and achieves the best results. 

If you suspect issues with your sinuses, contact OAT today to schedule an appointment.