Allergy Season is Coming — Are You Ready?

Spring is changing into summer. This means barbecues, trips to the lake, and outdoor sports to many people in Nashville, TN. However, to many others, it also means allergies. These people might find themselves avoiding outdoor activities and missing out on a lot of the fun throughout the season.

Is there anything that can be done to address this issue? Can allergies be treated?

The process by which allergies affect our bodies and the ways we can mitigate these effects is complicated. It is also different for everybody. But the good news is that there is help for seasonal allergy sufferers. Steps can be taken to make their time outdoors during these seasons more comfortable and enjoyable.

But what is really going on with these allergies? And what can be done about it?

What Are Allergies?

Spring is a wonderful time to be in Nashville. There are a lot of great music festivals, outdoor activities, and reasons to get outside and enjoy the weather. The summer heat hasn’t fully arrived, mosquitos haven’t spawned, and the warm weather feels great after the cool winter weather finally passes.

But the same factors that make it enjoyable for us to get outside also cause different changes in the ecosystem that results in seasonal allergies. Trees begin to bud and flowers begin to blossom. This causes these plants to release their pollen into the air.

Contact the allergists at Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee and enjoy your time outdoors!


This pollen is actually harmless. There is no inherent threat caused by pollen to the human body. However, our immune system can occasionally believe it does. The response to the pollen is much worse than the effect of the pollen itself. Our bodies attempt to fight off this perceived threat, and in turn create the symptoms we associate with allergies — sneezing, wheezing, itchiness, and so on.

There are a large number of things we can be allergic to. It’s not just pollen. However, pollen affects a large number of people so it’s commonly associated with seasonal allergies.


Grass is another main reason for seasonal allergies in Nashville. We actually have a fairly wide variety of grasses because of our geographic location. We’re in a position to be near grasses that are more commonly found in northern states as well as grasses that are more partial to southern states.

And while this might sound like an interesting anecdote that can lead to healthy, vibrant yards, it actually leads to more people suffering from allergic reactions

Weeds are generally defined as something that is not a tree, but also not grass. They can be a source for allergens as well. And we have a handful of these potentially triggering weeds such as the English plantain and the black seed plantain. They are frequently found in our yards and gardens which exposes us to their allergens throughout the spring and summer months.


Our location is what opens us up to the various types of grass. But the geological structure of the area helps to exacerbate allergy symptoms as well. Our wind flow is often cut off because we are adjacent to the Cumberland Plateau.

Nashville is also surrounded by plenty of forested areas. And while this makes for great camping and hiking destinations, it also makes our allergy seasons worse. The wind that does come through only kicks the pollen into the trees, which effectively keeps it where it is. Our allergens don’t get a chance to clear out, so they compile and get worse.


There isn’t a medication or treatment that can guarantee immunity from all allergens. However, there are a few different ways we can fight against their annoying and sometimes painful effects.

The first is by using over-the-counter medications. There are numerous options at your local pharmacy that might be able to help. Antihistamines, nasal sprays, decongestants, and more can be purchased without a prescription. However, if you can go to an allergist, you can possibly be prescribed stronger medication if your symptoms are severe.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy is a more intense means of treating allergies. The goal of this treatment is to build up the patient’s immune system to grow a tolerance to the allergen. This process can take a while but the results can be quite amazing.

Visit an Allergist in Nashville, TN

Otolaryngology Associates of Tennessee (OAT) help numerous people every year to mitigate their seasonal allergy symptoms. An allergist can help you find a medication that works for you or get you started on an allergen-specific immunotherapy regimen.

The symptoms of seasonal allergies aren’t going to go away on their own. Visiting an allergist like OAT in Nashville, TN is the best way to enjoy your time in the sun this summer.

Contact OAT today!